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Submitted by: Jim Kesel
The Proform 675 CardioCross Elliptical Trainer typically sells for $300.00. This elliptical is touted to have an instant feedback display, features a large LCD window that allows users to keep track of key facts like, calories burned, pulse, time, speed, and distance traveled. The Proform’s console sports a Coolaire Workout Fan. The Proform 675 allows users to adjust the intensity of their workout with the help of adjustable electromagnetic resistance. The Elliptical Proform 675 offers a fourteen inch stride. The longer stride is offered in an effort to provide Elliptical users with longer muscles, and the ability to grab a long range of motion.
All these features really make the Proform 675 Elliptical Trainer sound like a great elliptical. However, This is a very cheaply made piece of exercise equipment. It also has only a 90 day warranty.
We spent a good deal of time looking at customer reviews and talking to owners and operators who have used the Proform 675 CardioCross Elliptical trainer. The number one complaint heard from users beyond the poor quality was short 14 inch stride that this elliptical provides. One individual stated that it was more like a stepper than an elliptical.
After reviewing Proform 675 elliptical on line reviews we could only find 3 that would recommend this elliptical trainer. Most comments were that it broke down was fixed and shortly thereafter broke down again. Cheap parts were also cited frequently. It appears that most of the Proform ellipticals broke down within six months.
We strongly recommend that you look at other competitors models prior to purchasing this elliptical. As with any piece of fitness equipment you should physically test any elliptical you are considering to purchase. Take you workout clothes and do a normal to slightly more intense workout right at the dealers. If they say you cannot take it for a test ride, find another dealer.
About the Author: James Kesel, MS For more information and reviews of the
Proform 675 CardioCross Elliptical Trainer
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