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Loving Professional Team Habits
Wellington W
Running with the Ball: The Gauntlet Drill
Ball security, preventing fumbles and turnovers is perhaps the most important skill the offensive team can have. This is especially true for a running back or wide receiver as they will carry the ball more often than others on the field, but it is a good idea for all positions to practice a little ball security. One drill that has been used several times to improve ball security is called the gauntlet drill. The drill starts with a player protecting the ball as best as he can while running through several opponents. Each of the defenders can line up in any way making the ball carrier run any sort of patterns with the ball, the point is to pose a challenge to hold onto the ball. To be effective with this drill have the ball carrier run the drill holding the ball in several different positions.
Constant motion drill to increase ball handling skills
Without a solid foundation of ball handling players will be easy prey to a solid defensive team. This drill is meant to help players control and develop their ball handling skills. Players will move the football from one hand to another hand around differing parts of their body. The drill starts with the head moving the ball in a circular motion from hand to hand, then proceeds to go under the arms, around the waist, then the knees, and finally through and in between the players legs.
Coaches can mix up the drill by shouting out body parts that the players will have to start circling with the football; they can also reverse the direction that the ball is traveling by calling, reverse. The reverse option is an important command as it will keep the players on their toes and focuses on concentration and ball handling.
We recommend that you end this drill by doing several football drops. This means that the player will drop the football and retrieve it again quickly. It will also help to change the hand that the players uses to pick up the ball to ensure both hands are learning this technique.
Steps to effectively block driving
Driving and blocking are the bases for a good lineman. The drive block is the most fundamental and should be practiced often. It is a simple yet effective way to move your opponent. If the Defensive lineman is aligned slightly to the right of the offensive linemen then the drive block with pus the defender to the right. Execute the drive by bolting off the line with your play side foot; again if the play is happening on the left side then you will use your left foot. Connect hard against your opponent, bring your other foot into play and continue to drive in the aligned direction.
Strength and conditioning: Up Downs
Up downs is an excellent conditioning drill that will improve reaction time and endurance. This drill starts by having the players run in place as fast as they can encourage them to get their knees up as high as they can. Then at random a coach will yell, down or blow a whistle at which the players must dive to the ground do a push up and then jump back into running in place. Because this drill can be very taxing, it is important to increase the time spent at this slowly over time as the players strength increases.
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