Gastrointestinal Metabolic Surgery Used To Treat Diabetes In Obesity Cases

Gastrointestinal Metabolic Surgery Used to Treat Diabetes In Obesity Cases


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Dr. Marco Sari ana, Endoscopic and Bariatric Surgeon in Mexicali Mexico, performs a variety of obesity weight loss surgery to aid long-term weight loss treatments. He is an accomplished gastric bypass surgeon with significant experience in gastric band surgery, gastric bypass surgery, mini gastric bypass surgery, and gastric sleeve surgery. Dr Sari ana also specializes in metabolic disease processes such as diabetes.

Dr. Sari ana is also experienced and trained in gastrointestinal and is familiar with the metabolic surgery studies and treatments offered by Cornell Medical Center in New York in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. A variety of metabolic conditions may be linked to high cholesterol, certain types of liver disease, and hypertension. Recent studies and research into the field of gastrointestinal metabolic surgery has determined that the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and small intestine mechanisms regulate body weight, appetite, the metabolism of fat in the body, as well as blood sugar levels.

Surgery to Treat Diabetes

Today, surgical procedures used to treat morbid obesity, such as gastric bypass, often have a positive effect on metabolic disorders such as diabetes. In some cases, patients who have undergone gastric or bariatric surgeries find that blood glucose levels have normalized, and some are even able to discontinue the use of insulin. Therefore, metabolic surgery is now a viable alternative option for the treatment of diabetes in individuals considered morbidly obese.


Bariatric surgical procedures such as those performed by Dr. Sari ana at the Mexicali Obesity Surgery center offer individualized plans in the treatment of obesity and related conditions such as diabetes, in addition to increasing and enhancing life expectancy and quality of life for morbidly obese patients.

Laparoscopic gastric bypass, adjustable gastric banding, and other minimally invasive bariatric surgery techniques provide obese as well as patients diagnosed with metabolic disorders the opportunity to reduce medical complications of such conditions, resume normal daily activities, and restore quality of life.

The Washington Post reported in an article on May 4, 2008 that an individual who required three insulin injections as well as oral pills daily in addition to a severely restricted diet underwent gastric bypass bariatric surgery in the hopes of bringing his diabetes under control. Following the surgery, his blood sugar levels had returned to normal and he was able to stop taking all medications.

Of course, individual cases experience different outcomes, but the technology to treat some forms of diabetes as well as obesity are available, and Mexicali Obesity Surgery, through the expertise of Dr. Sari ana, is also able to offer such hope to international patients seeking his services.

In the United States alone, nearly one hundred million adults are considered overweight or obese, which increases the risk of metabolic diseases and conditions including diabetes, respiratory problems, hypertension, stroke, and cancer. For many, diet and exercise does not produce hoped for results. The National Institutes Of Health report that nearly 90% of individuals who engage in weight loss programs and dieting don’t lose significant amounts of weight or are able to sustain such weight loss.

“At our center, we specialize in gastric band, gastric sleeve, gastric bypass and Intragastric balloon procedures,” says Dr. Sari ana. “Mexicali Obesity Solutions offers new and minimally invasive surgical techniques as well as post-op dietary planning for weight loss surgery patients.”

An article published in Diabetes Care, Volume 31, Supplement 2, dated February 2008 and written by Dr. Francisco Rubino, MD, section of Gastrointestinal Metabolic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Weill Medical College of Cornell University – New York Presbyterian Hospital, states, “It is reasonable to assume that significant anatomical rearrangements of the gastrointestinal tract may cause changes in energy and glucose homeostasis, which eventually influences diabetes.”

Dr. Sari ana and Mexicali Obesity Surgery continue to offer a variety of gastrointestinal bariatric surgical procedures to treat the overweight and obese, with remarkable and positive results. Located in Mexicali, Mexico, Dr. Sari ana and his staff offer international travelers affordable, quality, and effective obesity and weight loss solutions, procedures and techniques that provide hope and improved quality of life to hundreds who have passed through their doors.

Dr. Marco Sarinana, Endoscopic and Bariatric Surgeon in Mexicali,

Gastric Bypass Surgery Mexico

, perform a variety of obesity weight loss surgery to aid long-term weight loss treatments. He is an accomplished gastric bypass surgeon with significant experience in,

Gastric Band Surgery

, gastric bypass surgery, mini gastric bypass surgery, and gastric sleeve surgery.

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