Category:Kenny MacAskill February 14, 2020 | No Comments This is the category for Kenny MacAskill, a Scottish politician. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. 13 February 2014: Scottish Justice Secretary ‘acutely aware of unusual publicity’ in Kular case 18 August 2011: Scots report crime using Facebook 21 October 2009: Scottish lawyer denies death of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi 2 September 2009: UK denies pressuring Scotland into Lockerbie release 20 August 2009: Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi released on compassionate grounds 18 August 2009: Lockerbie bombing appeal dropped From Wikinews, the free news source you can write. Official portrait, 2011 (Image: The Scottish Government) Sister projects Commons Wikidata Wikipedia Pages in category “Kenny MacAskill” Uncategorized